Its easy to make node,js application run permanently in the background please follow these steps
You could install forever using npm like this: (I hope you installed node already or install Node.js)
sudo npm install -g forever
Create an example file: and add content
sudo nano server.js
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
response.end("<h3>Node webserver running</h3>\n");
console.log("Node.js is listening on port 3000"); // JavaScript Document
and content and save file
You can edit the file and get results directly in your browser.
You can use filezilla or any editor to edit the file. Run this command to run the file:
forever start --minUptime 1 --spinSleepTime 1000 -w server.js
Go to the browser to test file
And then start your application with:
forever server.js
Or as a service:
forever start server.js
Forever restarts your app when it crashes or stops for some reason. To restrict restarts to 5 you could use:
forever -m5 server.js
To list all running processes:
forever list
Note the integer in the brackets and use it as following to stop a process:
forever stop 0
Restarting a running process goes:
forever restart 0
If you're working on your application file, you can use the -w parameter to restart automatically whenever your server.js file changes:
forever -w server.js
view Running node
ps aux | grep node
you want to kill Node (ex:5655) four digit number you will see when type ps aux | grep node
afer kill node whichever you want
kill -9 5655
You could install forever using npm like this: (I hope you installed node already or install Node.js)
sudo npm install -g forever
Create an example file: and add content
sudo nano server.js
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
response.end("<h3>Node webserver running</h3>\n");
console.log("Node.js is listening on port 3000"); // JavaScript Document
and content and save file
You can edit the file and get results directly in your browser.
You can use filezilla or any editor to edit the file. Run this command to run the file:
forever start --minUptime 1 --spinSleepTime 1000 -w server.js
Go to the browser to test file
And then start your application with:
forever server.js
Or as a service:
forever start server.js
Forever restarts your app when it crashes or stops for some reason. To restrict restarts to 5 you could use:
forever -m5 server.js
To list all running processes:
forever list
Note the integer in the brackets and use it as following to stop a process:
forever stop 0
Restarting a running process goes:
forever restart 0
If you're working on your application file, you can use the -w parameter to restart automatically whenever your server.js file changes:
forever -w server.js
view Running node
ps aux | grep node
you want to kill Node (ex:5655) four digit number you will see when type ps aux | grep node
afer kill node whichever you want
kill -9 5655