Most useful linux commands are make directory in linux, make file in linux, give directory rights,clear command - programming technique
1. make directory
sudo mkdir directory name
2. view list of directory/files
cmd: sudo ls or ls
3. clear command clear screen only
4. give directory rights
CMD: sudo chmod 777 directory name
1. first 7 for users
2. second 7 for group
3. third 7 for others
and its 3 for read 4 write 5 read/edit 7 for all(read /write/execute)
5. now give right to subdirectory also
before we learn go into directory
cmd: cd directory name
6. go back command
cmd: cd ..
7. give all rights to directory and its subdirectory using command
sudo chmod 777 -R directory name
8. create a file
sudo nano filename
save file using ctl+w and ctrl+o and then exit using ctrl+x
9. view file
sudo nano filename
10. move file or directory from one directory to another
command we moved any file or directory
cmd: mv filename/directory to directory name
you need to give a full path of directory also
1. make directory
sudo mkdir directory name
2. view list of directory/files
cmd: sudo ls or ls
3. clear command clear screen only
cmd: clear
CMD: sudo chmod 777 directory name
1. first 7 for users
2. second 7 for group
3. third 7 for others
and its 3 for read 4 write 5 read/edit 7 for all(read /write/execute)
5. now give right to subdirectory also
before we learn go into directory
cmd: cd directory name
6. go back command
cmd: cd ..
7. give all rights to directory and its subdirectory using command
sudo chmod 777 -R directory name
8. create a file
sudo nano filename
save file using ctl+w and ctrl+o and then exit using ctrl+x
9. view file
sudo nano filename
10. move file or directory from one directory to another
command we moved any file or directory
cmd: mv filename/directory to directory name
you need to give a full path of directory also
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